Sunday, December 28, 2008

Last night Katie and I played Wii for the first time EVER. Sam's significant other is leaving his Wii at our house, so I'm planning on practicing in order to polish my skills. haha here's some priceless footage of the Thornton sisters racing on Wii's Mario Cart. I can only go up from here... lol

They're so intense looking!
Bowling time! Beautiful form if I do say so myself... :)

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Day!

So every year us kids are eager to wake up early so we can get a jump start on our Christmas morning. Well, all of us except Michael, who would sleep half way through the day if he had his way. This morning, after arriving at my parents house a bit before 7am, I volunteered to be the one to go wake him up. Little did I know that I was in for a surprise.....

Saturday, December 20, 2008

A friend mentioned to me the other day that he is not happy in the city he is living and is weighing whether or not to move. I can empathize with his instinct to move closer to where he had good friends and a support group. I’ve thought similar things, and am revisiting those thoughts even today as I reconnect with some friends here in Indiana. I’ve realized that the people and relationships I have here (in Indiana) make me feel at home, but yet Alaska in of itself makes me feel at home, if that makes sense. If only I could have both in one place….but as that is not yet a reality, I find myself longing for what my current surroundings lack. The whole grass is greener syndrome, I suppose, which I always claimed would never plague me, being the eternal positive optimist that I am. Forgive my redundancy…

I’m brought back to a letter my brother recently wrote me, an excerpt of which said “You know, Bethany, I don't know if the likes of you and I will ever reach "it". We are dreamers. There will always be another thing for us ahead. I am in Paris, the penultimate of all I've ever wanted in a place, and I still am not content. There's somewhere else. There's something else. There's someone else.” Maybe he’s right. Something in his words rings true, but yet, dreamer or no, I want to learn to be content no matter what my current situation. Or at least be motivated enough to push through the longings for somewhere/something/someone else to the practical work of focusing on fostering and improving the present. Easier said than done...

This I know- come Monday, I’ll be boarding another plane and heading back to Alaska. I have been reminded this weekend of everything in this place that makes me feel so alive, and it seems almost a tease to have to leave it behind so quickly. However, I can choose to take what I’ve learned about myself in this place and pack it with me as I go to the old/new place I now call “home”. I can put my energy into identifying people in Alaska that call out the same parts of my soul that I need to be alive. I can be purposeful in pursuing community, realizing and accepting it will look different than the intimacy I’ve experienced in other settings. And I can continue to foster the relationships I built in Indiana, and save money for additional reunion weekends...

BUT it is NOT yet my present agenda remains the same as it has been since I stepped off the plane in Fort Wayne Wednesday night... to savor every moment I have in this place. And by golly, I will! :)

Some highlights so far...

* The Ice Storm of 2008

* Hosting a festive shindig for a few friends at 1313, complete with homemade sweaters, tasty Christmas tunes, decorating cupcakes, playing a previously unheardof boardgame, updates on everyone's lives and lots of hugs and laughter

* Going out on the town with my "Friday Friend", Mel :)

* 7 hour road trip with Laura to see Jodi get hitched!

more memories to come...........

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Back in Dub Town...

It’s 9:11 am in Indiana. Today is the first of five mornings I will be spending in Winona Lake. I’m back in town to celebrate Mike & Jodi’s wedding this coming Saturday in Columbus, but before and after that exciting event I will be looking to spend time with, as my roomie Hannah put it, people who love me. It’s easy to let the descriptor “roomie” slip out when mentioning Hannah, because that was the actual case for the 11 months before I moved to Alaska. While I’m here in town, I will be staying at our old casa, the beloved 1313. Hannah still resides here, but Jodi has moved out. Her room is dark, empty, and echoey…the last of which Brian commented on last night makes for a great jam room due to the acoustics. Brian is Hannah’s fiancé, so naturally he is spending quite a lot of time at 1313 these days. And then Laura Levon lives here as well- one of the later soul sisters to join the women’s prayer group in the days I was present. She has such a delightful spirit...and she was here last night to welcome me back in my former home and offer me princess style hot chocolate. Yay for traditions that do not die.

It is somewhat surreal sitting here at my former kitchen island eating what used to be my regular breakfast, looking around at the place I used to call home. Jodi’s presence is gone, as well as her stellar coffeemaker. I made a mess this morning with the sad little Emerson that has taken its place. My room is obviously not my own anymore. Laura has taken up residence and has chosen a fresh new palette of her own. I definitely experienced déjà vu while getting ready in my old bathroom this morning, flashbacks to beautifying myself in months past for significant people and places.

I smile at all the little things that have not changed…like the location of the silverware and coffee cups in the kitchen, the familiar placement of the kettle on the stove and the pepper and olive oil standing by on the counter. The general layout of the living area, the big blue couch that has miraculously sunken even lower, and familiar Christmas decorations that are strategically placed throughout the home to create that cozy, festive feel. I smiled when I saw several bottles of my vitamins and diet supplements in a mix of other supplements by the toaster- I must’ve forgotten to pack them in my hurry, I thought, as I tossed them in the trashcan.

Such a treat it is to have a laid back morning. This morning in of itself has made the plane ticket worth it. Relaxing hours that allow for not only proper digestion, but much needed reflection. I know not what today holds. I have to put my love of schedule aside this week and take each day as it comes. It’s hard to plan ahead with not knowing who wants to see me and what everyone’s schedule is. But I am not stressing. I look forward to all the little moments, and I will savor each one.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Temperatures hit 35 last week and are lingering in the upper 20's/lower 30s. When I heard myself commenting along with everyone else on "how warm it's been lately" I knew...I have fully acclimated back to living in Alaska.

I finished my first annual Christmas letter and will be sending it out soon. I put a creative spin on the typical Christmas letter format. You'll see...

Last night was my first night in my new house. I finished house sitting yesterday and then Sam and I enjoyed our first night together as roomies, celebrating with pizza and a movie. I can't believe I hadn't seen The Gridiron Gang yet. It made me miss working for Lifeline...and made me think of some of the young men and women I had the pleasure of working with there over the years. I'm so glad the majority of my girls are keeping in touch.

This morning our home group had breakfast together at the Martin's ranch. It was fun to spend some time chatting over yummy whole wheat pancakes, sausage and eggs...all products of their farm, even down to the fresh milk. mooooo...

Cora opens her first Christmas present! :)

Monday, December 1, 2008

Whew! The last couple weeks have been a blurr.......... hence the neglecting of my blog spot. :) But good news- I have completely moved and unpacked AND decorated my new casa. I love the cabin! I have yet to sleep there- I'm still housesitting for the Lockwoods until next Sunday. But I took advantage of my extra long weekend (yay for Holiday Time Off!!) to get all settled in there. I even took a first round of pictures to share with you. You can see them HERE:

I've been enjoying this last housesitting gig. The dogs are fun, although I'm currently not speaking to them. You see, tonight Mom sent me home two delicious homemade muffins. I was starving (okay SLIGHT exaggeration) after a long days work and good eating choices so I was super excited to have one of them as my evening treat. So I pop it in the microwave and leave it cooling for a sec on the counter while I rush to change into my pjs. I come back and notice a chewed, slightly soggy napkin on the floor. Thats weird, I think...there's child safety locks on the cabinets- how did the dogs get into the trash? Then I saw the counter. No muffin. I was dumbfounded and speechless. As I stood there with my jaw hanging, Lily made a beeline to her kennel and Hoover scampered out of the kitchen. Those little stinkers....

I did Karaoke this past week for the first time. So fun! My favorite tune of the night was definitely Hey Big Spender. I love the vampy feel-so great! It's hard to think of songs on the spot, though. Yvette and I started a list in her purse so we'll be prepared next time. :)

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Mine was good- smaller than usual, but good. I've spent the last 6 Thanksgivings in Michigan with the other side of the family, so it was different but nice to be here again with the Alaska clan and Dad's side.

So much to be thankful for this holiday season...

Quote of the week:
"I'm locking myself in the bathroom. Not cuz I have to pee, but because there is serious moose activity outside and the dogs are going bananas!" -Bethany to Karyn