Thursday, June 26, 2008

"From the highest of heights to the depths of the sea...Creation's revealing Your majesty"
I love Alaska... one of my favorite things about my state is this gorgeous drive from Soldotna to Anchorage (aka "the big city"). I put my WCC worship mix on repeat and sung praises there and back. BEAUTIFUL. God even surprised me with a breathtaking rainbow on the way home as I was driving on Turnagain Arm! Here's some pics and a video from the drive that I may or may have not taken while driving (oops!) :)

The Early Childhood Mental Health Conference was good- the information was somewhat overwhelming, but I definitely took away some great resources and little nuggets I can apply in my work. I really enjoyed the independence of the trip- being able to explore the city and check out new stores and delicious restaurants- I was so proud of myself that I was able to navigate on my own (armed with maps of course :) ) . I really enjoy this city. It has everything any other city has, plus wonderful cultural highlights and a breathtaking mountain/ocean backdrop.

Two new restaurants experienced and added to my list of favs: Gdoba's Mexican Grill and the Bear Tooth Grill. Delish.

While in Anchorage, I took advantage of the sales tax-free city and bought all the appliances I needed for the new house as well as fun kids books and other little treats. Aunt Kate hooked me up with some cool things as well and I was able to load up the company car for the ride home. Yay for no sales tax! Got home around 10:20ish and stayed up late with Katie and Michael laughing, goofing off and watching House (1313, there are good ones coming up!!! Prepare to be shocked!)

Today (Thursday) I did some fun things around town. Highlights included discovering a new coffeeshop and a SWEET used bookstore. (I'M SO EXCITED TO BE ABLE TO READ AGAIN...FOR FUN!!!!) I bought two Jodi Poucolt books and one by Diana Gabaldon. Haven't read works by either New York Times Besting author, but both came highly recommended. I'll be glad to give reviews once completed :)

I'm off to read!!!

Saturday, June 21, 2008


Mom is spoiling me. It will be hard to adjust back to having to grocery shop and cook for one...I may just have to keep coming over here for dinner! :)

I'm exhausted. I almost fell asleep at the table after dinner while everyone was talking. It is hard to adjust to my new work schedule. But I am so grateful for it. Routine is good for me. I haven't had time/energy to be lonely! :)

Katie came in to the office today to help me assemble some bookshelves for my room. Good thing, because carpentry is not one of my strengths. :)

In between the manual labor I enjoyed playing with some adorable children. One of my co-workers regularly brings in her baby to work with her, plus my boss brought in her twin girls for part of the morning. Those children definitely don't lack the loving when they come into our building! :) The twins quickly discovered my beanbag chair and easy access phone!

this and that...

Still love the new rig...
Alaska is truely the land of the midnight sun. These pics were taken at approximately 11:00 at night. I've been home nearly two weeks and have yet to experience darkness. I think new sunglasses may be a wise investment...

my office....a work in progress. they tell me my office furniture is coming... for now i'm enjoying my beanbag and invisible desk/computer/bookcase. :)

In addition to my sweet beanbag/pillow purchases for my future kid corner, katie and i also found a sweet modern shelf that I partially assembled last night. Katie models my work:

All those in Hoosier-land, no more complaining about gas prices... I filled up for the first time today...slightly terrifying:

This evening I checked out Mugz, a local coffee shop. (Sidenote: Alaska is definitely NOT lacking in coffeeshops- one of the things I love about this state!) Tonight Katie and Michael both played during the live music set. I'm not biased when I say we have some serious talent in our family. But be your own judge- I took mini videoclips so you can hear for yourself how amazing we are! :)

Here's Katie and two college friends...Katie and Kelsey always rock out sweet harmony :)

...and my baby brother, Michael:

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

new job, new rig, check, check!

Our family has a tradition where we always take a picture on the porch on the first day of school, with our new school outfits and backpacks, etc. Well in the spirit of tradition, here's me on my back porch on my first day of work!

I am really going to enjoy working at Nakenu. There's something cool about sitting in my borrowed office and hearing the unique sounds of a chemical dependency group drumming and singing from the lobby. So cool :)

I will be moving into my office tomorrow, so pictures will be forthcoming (have to get all settled and make it cute first!) But I do have some pictures to share with you... I got my car!!!!!! She's beautiful- it was love at first sight!

Look at all that storage space! Makes me want to go camping...or shopping!!!
This car was definitely a God-thing. Such a steal of a deal!

The people that work here at Nakenu are really neat people...I am honored to be joining their team. I'll start meeting with my clients soon (there was a caseload waiting for me!) and next Mon-Wed I'll be in Anchorage for a Childhood Mental Health Conference. I'm pretty excited about that.

I'm off to pick up my brother- he's been in Anchorage the last few days for a football camp. I'll leave you with a few pics of some critters that have been hanging around the house :)

Sunday, June 15, 2008


I'm sorry for my attitude the other day with not having anything to do here and being at a standstill. (can't move into apt until July 1st, can't get a car until after the 27th when I get my first paycheck, can't move into my office until my first day of work...) But I've been reminded just this morning of how you know what is best for me. My body has been crashing despite my lack of activity and just think how exhausted and rundown (and probably sick) I'd be if I was moving into my new home, not letting up until everything was done. Especially cuz I don't have many peers to distract me. So, anyways, I'm thankful. Thank you Abba for knowing me so well that you orchestrated the timing of my homecoming so that I would have rest. Ironic that when I felt restless the last thing I wanted to do was rest but that indeed (rest) is what you wanted for me.

Thank you. I'm thankful for being able to live rent free at my parent's home this month, not having to pay for food or anything. I'm thankful that my parents gave up their room and bed for me to sleep in. I'm thankful for use of family vehicles that they were already sharing but freely offer to me when I need them. I'm thankful for the freedom of no alarm clock and jet lag finally working for me, not against me. I'm thankful for a garage to store all my boxes and suitcases. I'm thankful for securing an apartment starting July 1st, and not just any apartment but one with an amazing oceanfront view of your mountains! I am thankful for a full time job with great benefits. I'm thankful for the opportunity to go to an outdoor worship service this morning and the inherent freedoms in that. I'm thankful that you love me despite my poor attitude and limited perspective at times. Thank you.

Friday, June 13, 2008

"pissing the night away...."

This I know is true: I cannot pee on command.

I showed up at the health clinic early this morning for my pre-employment drug screen. Figured I would get it out of the way during their walk-in hours, plus I had just finished my morning cup o' joe, so what better time to provide a urination sample, eh?

I thought wrong. And grossly underestimated the amount of liquid needed to effectively perform this task.

Not once, but TWICE I had to zip up my jeans, ask for more aqua and re-claim my seat in the waiting room, double fisting my large plastic cups... hello, humiliation. I felt like such a failure.

But you know what they say...third time's the charm. And sure enough, an hour and a half after initially entering the office, after consuming well over a gallon of water, exchanging my jacket and purse for that iCup once again under the lab docs' cynical stares and re-entering that all too familiar restroom, the floodgates opened.

Mission accomplished.

I've been peeing intermittently ever since. :)

In other news... I went to check out a vehicle today.

I liked her a lot actually- she drives great- but towards the end of our examination of her, my uncle discovered a chain underneath that was bolting things together. hello red flag!

The search continues...

Thursday, June 12, 2008


i'm beginning to wonder why I came so early.

the restlessness is full force.

I am craving productivity. I wish I could start moving into my new place or purchase a car or look for that microwave I need or start decorating or shelf books, etc in my new office... but I can't do any of those things. They are rearranging offices at Nakenu so I can't move in until my first official day next Tuesday. My new apartment (which is gonna be SWEET) is not available until July 1st, so I can't start moving stuff over or unpacking. I don't have enough money for a car until my first paycheck, so I cannot really search for or purchase one until after June 27th. Because of the need to save all my money for a car, I cannot really afford to go shopping for other things for the apartment.

So here I am, at a standstill. And restless as hell.


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

North to Alaska...

Ukraine turned out to be amazing. I did not have the best attitude about the trip in the weeks prior, but this was due to its timing and my longing to spend quality time in Dub Town with 1313 and my friends during that last week. But foregoing the trip was not an option (at least not if I wanted to graduate) and so I packed a suitcase and flew 20 some hours east to the former Soviet Union. By the time we finally reached our hotel (which will NEVER be forgotten due to hilariously horrific conditions- see Facebook for pictures), I had a talk with my Heavenly Father and a much needed attitude check. The subsequent week was great. But I have not the room or time to elaborate on it here. But I saw the fruits of the spirit personified in the staff at Mission to Ukraine and learned much about humility and servanthood and what God is doing in eastern Europe. And I miss Mama Sveta more than anyone!

We got back to Winona Lake Sunday afternoon, and I hit the ground running. SO much to get done and so little time. But it all was accomplished thankfully and I was able to enjoy my last evening home. The girls moved our prayer night to Monday night and, after catching up over yummy pizza and salad, had a beautiful time of blessing for me. They presented me a SWEET picture frame with pictures of me with each of them, words and phrases to describe me, and a verse picked by each of them. It was such a special time and their prayers meant so much to me. Thank you Jodi, Laura, Laura and Hannah- I love you girls!!

Laura Levon and Hannah drove me to Chicago O'Hare EARLY in the morning. Not only was I excited to fly first class, but having the tall attractive Adam as my seat partner made the flight to Seattle even more enjoyable. Apparently I have pretty eyes? Too bad he lives in Juneau and is moving to Iowa in September. Maybe its a sign from the Lord that there ARE indeed nice and attractive men in Alaska... :)

Mindy picked me up in Seattle and we spent the afternoon forever. She is a nanny for this cute little girl- while Zoe napped we played cards and caught up at the casa. Then we met up with Josiah at Ivens for some quality seafood treats. One the way Mindy showed me the famous Pikes Market and the very first Starbucks Coffeeshop! Plus we spotted the tallest man ever! Sweet! Yay for the Pacific Northwest!

Then back to the airport and my awaiting first class seat where I passed out for the remainder of my trip to Alaska. Mom, Dad, Katie and Michael picked me up in the Kenai Airport. It felt kind of weird being home, but as Katie reminded me "you've only been here 20 minutes!" It's my independence crying out I think- seems weird moving back home. It'll be better once I get a car and my own place.

The adventure begins...